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WorldFood Ukraine 2023

25th International Food and Beverage Exhibition WorldFood Ukraine. This year, the exhibition will take place at an unusual time - in the spring, during a full-scale war, against the background of air raid sirens. There are many challenges, but we have prepared to organize a safe and smooth operation of...

The history of the origin of mayonnaise

The origin of the word "mayonnaise" in French is unknown.Larousse Gastronomique 1961 is of the opinion that the word comes from the Old French moyeu, which meant, among other things, yolk.Many products that we are used to seeing on our table every day are not as simple as it may...

Culinary studio Kitchen

Kuhnya Culinary Studio became our partner Great news!Now culinary studio Kitchen is our partner in gastronomic events.Culinary studio Kitchen is culinary master classes, cooking courses, children's parties, gastronomic parties.